Rain’s Love Story Teaser Part 2
Pre-order Rain Vol. 5 – Rainism on YesAsia! for US$16.99.
Expected release date: October 17, 2008.
Rain & Ha Ji Won star in Love Story
(Teaser Part II – Lover’s quarrel)
(Teaser Part II – Lover’s quarrel)
I’m kinda sick of teasers and want to see the FULL Love Story music video. But alas, it’s not out yet. Since we’ve showed you part 1, how can we not show Rain’s Love Story Teaser Part II. Here it is!
The full version of Love Story (the song) is out. Click here to LISTEN.
Rain’s 5th album pics
(listening to the song again and again) I can picture the muggles ( =D non Rain fans) are also able to enjoy this song, the melody is earcatching(coz it’s quite predictable =p ). I love the music background, so touching, and his voice…aaaaahhhhhhh……..
I like the song :-). Rain has grown up and he's not going pop but R&B. Love those smooth and sexy vocals.
I've been listening to the song over and over and over….The parts I like the most are 0:18-0:33and 2:28-2:44, and the piano melody. The rest of the songs sounds very similar to other R&B songs =(. The part I like the least is the intro:"(SIGH)Hey…This is my story, it's true,(SIGH) OK…Listen". Yes, VERY sexy, but hmm…sounds unnecessary to say. Hoping other songs in RAINISM will be more surprising! No offense, Rain, I always support YOUUUU with ALL my heart (and money)! LOVE YOU!
Yeaah, finally! Wonder whether I can get the CD on Oct 17th?
You can pre-order Rain’s album from YesAsia! now!
Pre-order Rain Vol. 5 – Rainism on YesAsia! for US$16.99.
Expected release date: October 17, 2008.
the song sounds very R&B-ish.
Listen to Rain’s LOVE STORY here!
hmmm… not my fave kind of MV ; ( I’d like Rain to be funny and energetic! Not screaming in pain or get beaten … A Love to Kill kinda style is TOO painful to see! Life is already a complicated thing! C’mon Rain, no more Korean dramas on MV!
I can’t wait for more! Enough with the teasers!!!
in some of the scenes Rain reminds me of the movie “A Bittersweet Life”.
i know many people said ha ji won is pretty but i never thought that way…until i saw her in that pic. ok, she is so pretty in that MV!!!