Farewell party for Kingdom of the Wind
After a grueling filming schedule, the cast and crew of Kingdom of the Wind celebrated the completion of the drama at a farewell party on the 16 January, 2009. It looks like lead actor Song Il Gook hurt his arm during the last days of filming as he keeps holding it as if to ease off the pain it causes him.
Watch Muhyul/ Damuesin & King Yuri make a toast as well as other actors & crew from the mega production saguek Kingdom of the Wind celebrating completion of filming the 36 episode drama.
Youtube video uploaded by selvaspeedy
Thanks fraulein, it’s been corrected. =)
I wanna know hat kind of potion he is taking…he looks like a 20 year old! Talk about having good genes!
Shldnt it be farewell instead of farewall? ;P
Thank you, I found this blog by accident but it made me realise something important. Don’t give up on it.
thanks for the article. Yeah he hurt his arm (I think from his previous fall).
its so good to see all the cast at ease with each other. poor SIG was hurt during filming. they dont use stuntman!
strange but CJW looks like lee young ae in the video? and of course SIG is always dashing :)))
i know its a bit late but wishing HAPPY NEW YEAR to k-popped!
loves your blog.