From the crew

Wanted: Contributors for K-popped!

Woo hoo, the Hallyu is hitting us hard here in Malaysia. The Korean Wave is getting so strong that K-popped! is scouring for contributors (terms & conditions apply) to join our humble team.

Applicants should be as passionate as we are about all things Korean, and able to keep tabs on not only what’s going on in the Kpop scene in South Korea, but also have their finger on the pulse of what’s happening in Malaysia.

While we welcome contributors from overseas, Malaysians will be given priority because we need the extra hands and feet to cover local Kpop events :-). Yes, it’s good news when so many Kpop artists want to come to our shores.

Here’s what we’re looking for:

• 18 years and above
• Good command of the English language
• Independent, responsible and a self-starter
• Has a nose for news

Here’s what you need to show us:

• Samples of your writing (if you don’t mind us reading your blog, then send us the link)
• A fun and short K-pop piece of news. Make it snazzy and website-appropriate, so no Grandma’s story, please.

Send your writing samples, along with a short introduction of yourself to Liz K-popped at [email protected]. Please write “I’m what you’re looking for” in the Subject of your e-mail. Closing date: July 10.

Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. Thank you :-).


19 thoughts on “Wanted: Contributors for K-popped!

  • A big thank you to all who wrote in to us. We will be going through your articles / sites so please be patient.

    We will write to those who have been shortlisted within these two weeks. If you hear from us, great…if you don't, not-so great 😛


  • || Lynn ||

    Oh! I'm done! Just sent in mine… sorry for sending so late… haha.. I said I would do it earlier but one thing lead to another and so I only managed to type a k-pop related article =)


  • Heya all, just a friendly reminder. Closing date to join our crew is July 10 :).

    Also, it is best to send in ALL requirements needed. The link to your blog alone doesn't quite cut it. Reporting on something and writing for personal purposes are different ;).

    Keep the entries coming in! And thank u for the kind effort.

  • HallyuSurfer

    I'm interested. Will send you an email soon!

    In a meanwhile you can view my blog. Just click on my username. 😀

  • || Lynn ||

    Cool! Would love to try out =) haha… I'm a contributing editor at a japanese entertainment website too! So far, I have writted about 13 articles for them… latest one was an anime review…heheh… woot woot July 10th is near!! Shall do it tmr~~

  • Woot! Interested! Now I have to think of things to write about.. Hmm..

  • Cyfull de'CK

    @Syd Hahaha…really? ok2! any photo you need to edit/touch up, just email them to me yea ^_^

    @Orchid Photographer/Designer position ada tak? Ehehehee…. ^_^ Y

  • yunniesammie

    i should give it a try too ^^
    but don know what to write on.. hmm..maybe what happen during Beast showcase =)

  • Dear all,

    If you want to join the K-popped! crew…just do it ! Send in a piece for us to read. We are looking for Malaysians who are passionate about Korean pop culture, and who write well and can express themselves. And i know,there are so many of you out there!

    Join the crew!


  • @avieyal: Yeah, don't let Uni stop you from joining the crew. We have day jobs so we understand and don't expect you to do K-popped! full time.

    We just need people so we can "cover for each other".

    @Cuddly Family, waaaay over 18 is OK.

  • Vic in Long Beach, CA

    Yeah Cuddly Family me too. (waaaay over 18) even worse, I haven't been to SK in 10 years, nor KUL in the last 14 or so. Plus, in a beauty contest between Rain, and a turnip, I'd vote for the vegetable. So I'm totally out…

  • Cuddly Family

    Im wayyy above 18 here 😛

    I dont know how much time I can commit.. but I "support" in other ways k? 😀

    cant wait to meet y'all 😀

  • I can help with local events and such, if you guys need extra hands or whatever, but can't commit (uni=ugh -_-)

    So if there's specific events you need covered, I don't mind. Maybe I'll just send in my application for "part-time semi freelance"? haha

  • Cyfull de'CK

    Woooaaaaa…really ah? Hehehe…bole! Bole! No problem ^_^

  • Hey Cyfull…if we need help with graphics, we will ask for you help and give you proper credits…boleh?


  • Cyfull de'CK

    Ala…i fail la wat reporting…kalo nak wat graphics bole la…ahahahaa….well, all the best K-Popped! ^_^

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