Around The World with Mizz Nina and Jay Park
Local music fans were in a party last night with great show from Mizz Nina at her Around the World Concert 2013. Held at Life Centre’s KL Live, the “first lady” of Malaysian hip-hop brought the house down by performing 14 songs throughout the concert. Mixes of pop, R&B, hip-hop and dance music were all accompanied by a top-notch live band.

Aside from the diverse choice of songs, Mizz Nina also awed audience with her list of guests for the concert. The first one up was Teh Tarik Crew, her former hip hop group back in the late 90s. Mizz Nina’s reunion with Altimet and Fiquetional really brought the “old school flavor” as the crowd sang along to their song.

The Malay song segment was then opened with the appearance of Mizz Nina’s other half, Noh Salleh of the band Hujan. The sweet couple performed their duet “Kurnia” as Noh played his acoustic guitar. Mawar Berduri then joined Mizz Nina on stage with their duet “Sri Kandi”.

The crowd then went wild as Mizz Nina sang the intro to her newest song “Around the World”. And it got even hotter when Kpop sensation Jay Park finally made his appearance on the stage singing his parts. Indeed nothing beats the screaming Kpop fan-girls (and fan-boys!).

Jay Park continued to swoon the crowd with his latest single “JOAH”. He then sang his version of “Nothing on You” and the last song from Jay Park was “Girlfriend”. He ended the show with his slick b-boy moves leaving fans wanting more from him.

Mizz Nina appeared once again to the crowd for the encore. It was a great show for the night! Whether its ‘From Malaysia to Korea’ or ‘From Korea to Malaysia’, we hope to see more collaboration between Malaysian and Korean singers like this in the future. Congrats Mizz Nina and Jay Park!