Lee Minho Gives His Everything to His Fans..
Lee Minho (of Boys Over Flowers, City Hunter) was once again in Malaysia. He arrived on Thursday June 27 with the overwhelming welcome from fans who waited at the airport. Lee Minho was here for the Malaysian stop of his My Everything Global Live Tour 2013 in conjunction with the release of his solo album My Everything.
Before the concert at Kenanga Warehouse City on June 29, in the afternoon of June 28, Lee Minho met the members of the press for a very short press conference held at the Vivatel Kuala Lumpur decked handsomely in a suit and charmed each of the people in attendance with his sweet and shy smile. He graced the stage, 187cm tall and just pose for the camera 🙂
The album is his first official album and was made especially for the fans. He hopes to deliver happiness to each of his fans and listeners. Lets read on what he has to say about his debut album and the fans.
Is this your first time in Malaysia?
This is actually my second visit to Malaysia. I came once in 2009 as an ambassador for a Korean beauty product.
We’ve always seen you in dramas, how does it feel contributing as a singer?
This is a new dimension for me and I could feel how much hard work that has been put in by other singers. I’ve also got to experience other sides of myself.
Are there any obstacles faced during the preparation of the album?
I’ve never get to sing fast songs and I found that singing fast songs are quite hard.
Will we get to see you dance on stage?
There will be a little bit of dancing (smile).
You have a new drama – The Heirs, can you tell us a bit about the drama?
Its a new SBS drama, about teen romance in the upper class society. The main story part will be the love story of the main characters.
Do you ever consider to expand your career to singing since you can sing so well?
I’ve never debuted as a singer but I’ll continue singing for the fans and continue making new songs. But since I’ve never been a singer to begin with, I’ve never thought of becoming a singer as my profession.
So do you prefer acting than singing?
Because I’m an actor to begin with, and once you are acting in a drama, you have to spend a lot of time into developing the character, so my focus right now is into acting
Would you like to try hosting for a TV program?
At the moment, I’ve never thought of being a TV host or an MC. Once I have more freedom and time, maybe I’ll think about it.
Is there any artist that you wish to work with?
Currently I’m in a drama with Park Shinhye, and for now I’m just thinking of finishing the drama with her.
How do you keep your skin in a good condition despite your busy schedule?
Its not really a secret, I tend to wash my face early and go to sleep at the right time and wake up at the right time.
You’ve been in Malaysia before, is there any specific food that you have tried or places that you’ve been or want to visit?
I want to go visit the Twin Towers. Last time I came here the schedule was too packed so I didn’t manage to visit. But this time I would like to taste more Malaysian cuisine and hope to visit the Twin Towers.
In your opinion, what is the difference between Malaysian culture and Korean culture?
I’ve traveled to many countries in Asia recently and I don’t feel there’s much difference. Because what they like and what they feel is quite similar, after all, we’re all human beings.
At the concert the following night, Lee Minho charmed the fans with his shy but confident look on stage. From slow ballads for the song My Everything, to riding a bicycle on stage to You & I, Us and dancing maybe a bit awkwardly but cutely to a fast paced song in Love Motion, Lee Minho showed that he’s an all around entertainer, who could act, sing and dance.
During one of the Q&A sessions, he confessed that he likes local foods such as Nasi Goreng and Nasi Lemak. So what is Lee Minho’s bad habit? “My manager always wakes me up, but I always end up over sleeping” — well that’s normal for us too 🙂
He also said “Malaysians are very shy but passionate”.. Aw.. thats what we felt about you too Minho.. Hope to see you in Malaysia again soon!
Thanks to Jazzy Group of Companies for the invite.
Check out links below for more photos :
Press Conference : https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10152037357708135.1073741841.109561488134&type=3
Concert : https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10152042355258135.1073741842.109561488134&type=3