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Gestures of Concern: Tips for Keeping Your Smartphone Clean

Just as thorough hand-washing and other hygienic practices have become key aspects of our daily lives, keeping our smartphones clean should also form a key part of our self-sanitation routines – given how much we interact with our mobile devices.

Here are some of our suggestions on how you can continue to use your smartphone and stay hygienic:

  1. Do not use general cleaners, compressed air sprays, or disinfectant and bleach-based products
  2. Fully power down your device and remove its case, cables, and other accessories
  3. Use a lint-free microfiber cloth to wipe down the exterior of the device
  4. If needed, use a small amount of distilled water or disinfectant, such as a hypochlorous acid-based (50-80ppm) or alcohol-based (over 70% ethanol or isopropyl alcohol) product – but always apply these to your microfiber cloth, not directly to your phone, and be sure to avoid getting any liquid in your phone’s openings
  5. Dampen your cloth with disinfectant and gently wipe the front and back of your device to cleanse it

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