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Gyeonggi Province Hosts “Data Sovereignty International Forum 2021” to Examine Individual Data Sovereignty in Big Data Era

Gyeonggi Province announced that it will host “Data Sovereignty International Forum 2021” on September 8 under
the slogan of “My Data, My Right” together with local governments overseas. The forum aims to further develop the province’s data sovereignty policy, which Gyeonggi Province has been spearheading since the execution of the world’s first data dividend payout in February last year, and to publicize individual data sovereignty.

The Gyeonggido Business & Science Accelerator and MyData Global, a private international organization, have co-organized the forum, while the Presidential Committee on the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the Personal Information Protection Commission, the Korea Internet & Security Agency, and the Korea Data Agency are sponsoring the event.

As data has become an important value, participants will discuss the data sovereignty of individuals for the first time in the world. Under the theme of “Making a Fair Data World Together,” Korean and international experts in data sovereignty, along with representatives of MyData, related government organizations, and overseas private organizations, will discuss
how to create a fair data world in which everyone thrives, focusing on individual rights and user roles.

At the opening ceremony on September 8, Gyeonggi Province Governor Lee Jaemyung will make an opening address, and Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web, will deliver his keynote speech on the subject of “Transformation in the Digital World and Data Sovereignty.”

It will be the first time that Sir Berners-Lee has spoken in Korea since 2014. He is currently working on a project to restore the Internet ecosystem and decentralize the web. He launched the “Contract for the Web” in 2019 and presented principles that governments, businesses, and individuals can follow to create a better Internet. Sir Berners-Lee has also been leading “SOLID,” a web decentralization project that supports completely decentralized data fully under user control for true data ownership and improved privacy.

Data Sovereignty International Forum 2021 will be livestreamed on the event website (DSIF2021.com) and on Gyeonggi Province’s official YouTube channel (youtube.com/ggholics).

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