Choo Sung-hoon’s crispy tan
Goodness gracious me. The pic above stopped me in my tracks for a while. Someone has been spending a little too much time under the tanning bed hasn’t he?
K-1 fighter Choo Sung-hoon, who has been nicely roasted to a crisp in the sunbed, is seen here with Go Ah-ra. His tan is even more obvious when he’s standing beside the milky white actress.
Maybe someone should warn him about the very real addiction to tanning, which among other things cause skin cancer?
Choo Sung-hoon, who is also known as Yoshihiro Akiyama, is a K-1 fighter embroiled in a controversy. An ethnic Korean who is born in Japan, Choo is actually caught between South Korea and Japan. His loyalty towards the countries is being questioned. Learn about his dilemma here!
Choo and Go are paired up for another one of eccentric fashion designer André Kim‘s wedding fashion shows.

and Korea’s resident Alien Life Form, Andre Kim
Source & Pics credit: Hankooki
More of Andre Kim’s wedding designs:
Song Seung-hun and Kim Tae-hee kiss
TRIVIA: Wedding in Shanghai
Choi Ji-woo in an exquisite wedding gown
Visitor Rating: 2 Stars
i know plenty of koreans, including me who can get that dark. during the summer i become around the same skin shade as him
Go Ara doesn’t look too happy LOL.
looks like he’s a real man. there’s something to be admired about a man who’s not vain about his skin color and who’s not afraid to stay under the sun.
here’s another way to look at it –in the pictures he stands out and the others just fade into the bland white background.
Akiyama made his dream come true hehe ^_______________^ so nice.. one of his dream was modeling, but nobady calls him to do that and now he modeling with Andre Kim nice aaaww so nice ^^
PS: Akiyama said that in the kang ho dong show (wednesday)
Oh my gosh..that’s way too dark. I wonder if it’s really from a tanning bed…unless he’s been going for a week straight. The last pic reminds me of Kogepan..he’s been over-baked! Or he must have used 10 bottles of self-tanner. Well maybe his skin takes in color faster and easily. Thanks.
Actually, I forgot to mention something cool about Akiyama. He’s only had one loss in his career and, AND, for his entrance music, he uses Time To Say Goodbye by Sarah Brightman and Andrea Bocelli. Now THAT is good taste. XD XD XD
Go Ara is so pretty… but that guy and Andre Kim… scary…
hahahaha, omg! poor go ah ra!
It looks like he slapped on cheap bronzer that gave him the “mud brown” shade rather than the “golden” one.
Man. Go Ara’s 18 and she’s already in an Andre Kim wedding dress. :)) His wedding dresses for people (not for the runway) are really beautiful, actually.
Wow! Never thought I’d see the day one of my favourite MMA fighters, Yoshihiro Akiyama (I’m more familiar with calling him by his Japanese name since to my knowledge, he only used his Korean name once in an MMA fight and that also was because he headlined the MMA event in Seoul) would be featured on K-popped, even if it’s for something that he is not well known for (being a fashion model). Sure he’s way too tanned, but he’s not bad looking. One of my Japanese friends think he’s hot.
Thanks for linking that piece about Akiyama to this entry. Granted, it made me realize what an absolute prick his last opponent was and it really made me anxious to see Akiyama beat the crap outta him if they were to ever meet again.
We need more MMA on Astro. :'(
well… of it makes him feel better about himself???
all i can see is how white & how tiny Ara’s face is compared to his!! she is so pretty XD
his hands are gargantuan…if that’s even a word.
that last pic is such a contrast from him being dark to andre kim being ghostly white.
woah!! he is way to tan!!!
in the first picture it looks like that Go Ah Ra doesn’t want to be next to him haha
look at her expression ^^
but really, he should know when to stop tanning when you know ur skin is getting fried!!
thanks for the info!!!